Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 18 '23 esl>eng mujer de ingenio A disingenuous/inventive woman; a woman of disingenuity/inventiveness easy closed no
4 Dec 23 '22 fra>eng On est pas sortie de l'auberge ! We're still not out of the woods! easy closed no
- May 16 '22 esl>eng más gentiles more docile easy closed no
- Jan 6 '22 esl>eng y le dio un saquito a cada uno... and gave a purseful to each of the villagers easy closed ok
- Jan 1 '22 esl>eng se puso a rebuscar entre las montañas de oro (the thief) got to rummage through the mountains of gold easy closed no
- Dec 27 '21 esl>eng en todo el poblado corría el rumor Rumours spread like wildfire throughout the village easy closed no
4 Dec 27 '21 esl>eng de la parte exterior de la cueva from outside the cave easy closed no
4 Dec 27 '21 esl>eng y no había encontrado en el reino mujer que le quisiera. had yet to find a woman to love him in the (entire) kingdom; easy closed no
- Dec 26 '21 esl>eng compraron un centenar de caballos, They bought a hundred-stromg pack of horses easy closed ok
4 Dec 13 '21 esl>eng no era gravilla lo que había estado pisando It wasn't gravel he'd been stepping on easy closed no
- Nov 21 '21 esl>eng había cosido las heridas a un muerto, He had sutured the wounds of the dead man easy closed ok
- Nov 16 '21 fra>eng pendant cette mise au point astrologique Durinng this atrological update easy just_closed no
- Nov 15 '21 esl>eng La mujer, extrañada por esa petición, puzzled by this request easy closed no
- Nov 15 '21 esl>eng y apenas se movió de entre las ramas. and hardly rustled the branches. easy closed no
4 Oct 1 '21 fra>eng examiner les problèmes avec une bienveillante compréhension Look at the issues with sympathetic/ tolerant/ indulgent understanding easy closed no
- Jan 9 '16 ita>eng frutto maturo fecund offshoot/ offspring easy closed no
- Dec 29 '15 eng>esl to be fitted for a limb ajustarse una prótesis easy closed no
4 Dec 29 '15 esl>eng en el/la que no merece la pena gastar tu dinero not worth wasting your moneyu on easy closed no
4 Dec 21 '13 ita>eng per ricordo del nonno in memory of his grandfather easy closed ok
4 Nov 23 '11 eng>ita Loyalty Fedeltà easy closed no
- Oct 26 '11 fra>eng rejoindre ses congénères Get back together with the rest of the tube easy closed ok
- Sep 8 '11 eng>ita so long as finché, purché easy closed ok
4 Feb 19 '11 deu>eng Gegenwart The present easy closed ok
- Oct 29 '10 eng>fra I want to see you. I want to kiss you. J'ai grande envie de te voir et également de t'embrasser easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered