Job closed
This job was closed at Apr 19, 2024 03:19 GMT.

Spiritual translation project with volume 5K in english

Publicat la: Apr 14, 2024 03:46 GMT   (GMT: Apr 14, 2024 03:46)

Job type: Lucrare potenţială
Service required: Translation

Limbi: din engleză în japoneză

Descriere lucrare:
Dear Folks,

Greeting from Audion Bridge!

We are seeking a native Japanese translator with a proven track record in poetical translation for a unique and spiritually enriching project. The assignment involves the following tasks:

Poetic Translation:
Translate all 142 verses into Japanese, ensuring that the translated version captures both the intended meaning and the emotional depth of the original English text. The final deliverable should be a Word document.
Meaning Explanation: For each verse, provide a concise explanation of its meaning, akin to the “MEANING” section found in the provided commentary book.

If you are a native speaker from Japan with experience in translating spiritual and poetic content, we invite you to join us in this endeavor to bridge cultural and linguistic gaps through the power of translation.

To apply, please register at register [HIDDEN] and submit your application along with samples of your previous work in poetic translation.

We look forward to your contribution to this spiritually significant project.

Please ensure to replace the placeholder URL with the actual registration link for your project. If you need further assistance or revisions, feel free to ask!

Payment terms: 20 zile de la data facturării.
Poster country: India

Volume: 5,000 words

Condiţii restrictive pentru furnizorii de servicii (specificate de autorul anunţului):
Statutul de membru Utilizatorii neplătitori pot trimite oferte după 12 ore
info Specializare obligatorie: Altele
info Limba maternă obligatorie: japoneză
Subiect: Religie
info Locaţia obligatorie a ofertantului: Japonia
Termen trimitere oferte: Apr 19, 2024 03:19 GMT
Despre contractor:
This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer.

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Contact person title: Vendor Manager

Oferte primite: 1 (Job closed)