Translation glossary: Expressions

Showing entries 1-33 of 33
1 of 991 sur 99 
English to French
1 of 991 di 99 
English to Italian
10.000 dollars américains pour chaque noeud 0.1 quand la vitesse continue maximale est inférieure à10.000 dollars américains pour chaque noeud 0.1 quand la vitesse continue maximale est inférieure à 39.5 noeuds 
English to French
artistic temperamentvena artistica 
English to Italian
as approved by (voir la phrase)suite à l'approbation de 
English to French
certified fruitcakeun vero pazzo / un fuori di testa 
English to Italian
close look at; round upun'occhiata da vicino; un rapido giro 
English to Italian
closing sentence in commerical letterJe reste à votre disposition pour toute information complémentaire 
English to French
dall'altopar le haut ou par le bas 
Italian to French
French class starts Wednesday are you excitedle cours de français commence mercredi, es-tu content? 
English to French
gone upsi è fatto notare 
English to Italian
I documenti saranno spediti oggi alla tua attenzionedocuments will be sent today to your attention 
Italian to English
intended asconsidérée comme 
English to French
it's very great!! I can help you if you have any doubt.. just tell me...C'est génial! Je peut t'aider si tu as des doutes. Il suffit de me le dire! 
English to French
Joe sports a handkerchief tied cowboy robber style.Joe porte un mouchoir style braqueur de western 
English to French
live on one's inheritanceil vit grace à l'héritage que 
English to French
managed bydirigée par 
English to French
minceDamn it! 
French to English
mines anti-personnellesAnti-Personnel Mines 
French to English
our success is based on the future of exercisenotre succès dépand de l'avenir de l'activité 
English to French
quale noi siamoTel(le) que nous sommes 
French to Italian
rest face downtourné vers le bas 
English to French
sbrogliare una pratica noiosarésoudre une affaire ennuyeuse 
Italian to French
the blue PrincessPrincipessa Blu 
English to Italian
to be granted in respect of the abovereconnu à faveur des personnes ci-dessus mentionnées 
English to French
to blacklistscrivere sul libro nero 
English to Italian
to cut a swathe across and upaprire un varco in, fare il vuoto in 
English to Italian
treating their needs around core symptom controlgestire le loro necessità focalizzandosi sul controllo sintomatico primario 
English to Italian
two "after" in a row14 days after... 
una non notiziarisque de ne pas être une nouveauté 
Italian to French
varying in ageappartenenti a periodi differenti, di periodi differenti 
English to Italian
English to Italian
wife-to-befuture épouse 
English to French
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