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P.L.F. Persio
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Moedertaal: Italiaans (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italiaans
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Bericht van de gebruiker
Consider ye the seed from which ye sprang;/Ye were not made to live like unto brutes,/But for pursuit of virtue and of knowledge. (Dante, Inferno, Canto XXIV.) For more virtue and knowledge, read Bread & Roses
Accounttype Zelfstandige vertaler en / of tolk, Identity Verified Geverifieerd lid
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Diensten Voiceover (dubbing), Training, Native speaker conversation, Translation, Website localization, Copywriting, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, Transcription, Transcreation
Gespecialiseerd in:
Toerisme & reizenKoken / culinair
Voedsel & zuivelBioscoop, film, TV, toneel
GeschiedenisInternet, elektronische handel
JournalistiekTextiel / kleding / mode
Cosmetica, schoonheidPoëzie en literatuur

Volunteer / Pro-bono work Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations

Engels naar Italiaans - Tarieven: 0.11 - 0.16 EUR per woord / 40 - 50 EUR per uur
Russisch naar Italiaans - Tarieven: 0.11 - 0.16 EUR per woord / 40 - 50 EUR per uur
Nederlands naar Italiaans - Tarieven: 0.11 - 0.16 EUR per woord / 40 - 50 EUR per uur
Italiaans - Tarieven: 0.20 - 0.40 EUR per woord / 40 - 50 EUR per uur
Frans naar Italiaans - Tarieven: 0.11 - 0.16 EUR per woord / 40 - 50 EUR per uur

All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
KudoZ-activiteit (PRO) KudoZ-punten op PRO-niveau: 1827, Vragen beantwoord: 761
Blue Board-bijdragen van deze gebruiker  36 beoordelingen

Payment methods accepted Bankoverschrijving, Paypal
Portfolio Proefvertalingen ingeleverd: 3
Engels naar Italiaans: A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig - Charles Lamb
General field: Kunst en literatuur
Detailed field: Poëzie en literatuur
Brontekst - Engels
The manuscript goes on to say, that the art of roasting, or rather broiling (which I take to be the elder brother) was accidentally discovered in the manner following. The swine-herd, Ho-ti, having gone out into the woods one morning, as his manner was, to collect mast for his hogs, left his cottage in the care of his eldest son Bo-bo, a great lubberly boy, who being fond of playing with fire, as younkers of his age commonly are, let some sparks escape into a bundle of straw, which kindling quickly, spread the conflagration over every part of their poor mansion, till it was reduced to ashes.
Together with the cottage (a sorry antediluvian make-shift of a building, you may think it), what was of much more importance, a fine litter of new-farrowed pigs, no less than nine in number, perished. China pigs have been esteemed a luxury all over the east from the remotest periods that we read of. Bo-bo was in the utmost consternation, as you may think, not so much for the sake of the tenement, which his father and he could easily build up again with a few dry branches, and the labour of an hour or two, at any time, as for the loss of the pigs.
While he was thinking what he should say to his father, and wringing his hands over the smoking remnants of one of those untimely sufferers, an odour assailed his nostrils, unlike any scent which he had before experienced. What could it proceed from ? -- not from the burnt cottage -- he had smelt that smell before -- indeed this was by no means the first accident of the kind which had occurred through the negligence of this unlucky young fire-brand. Much less did it resemble that of any known herb, weed, or flower. A premonitory moistening at the same time overflowed his nether lip. He knew not what to think. He next stooped down to feel the pig, if there were any signs of life in it. He burnt his fingers, and to cool them he applied them in his booby fashion to his mouth. Some of the crums of the scorched skin had come away with his fingers, and for the first time in his life (in the world's life indeed, for before him no man had known it) he tasted -- crackling!
Vertaling - Italiaans
Il manoscritto prosegue affermando che l'arte di arrostire, o piuttosto di cuocere (che immagino ne sia la sorella maggiore) fu scoperta per puro caso nel modo seguente. Il porcaro Ho-ti, recatosi nel bosco una mattina com'era solito a raccogliere ghiande per i propri maiali, aveva affidato la capanna al figlio maggiore Bo-bo, un ragazzone maldestro il quale, amando giocare con il fuoco come tanti altri giovani della sua età, aveva sbadatamente appiccato alcune scintille a un fascio di paglia che, divampando rapidamente, fecero dilagare l'incendio in ogni angolo della modesta abitazione finché questa fu ridotta in cenere. Non solo la capanna (un umile, antediluviano alloggio di fortuna, come si può immaginare), ma, cosa ben più grave, anche una bella figliata di ben nove porcellini era perita nel fuoco. I maiali cinesi sono sempre stati considerati una raffinatezza in tutto l'oriente fin dalle epoche più remote a noi conosciute. Bo-bo era terribilmente costernato, come si può immaginare, non tanto per la casa in sé che lui e suo padre avrebbero potuto facilmente ricostruire in qualsiasi momento con qualche ramo secco impiegandoci al più un paio d'ore, quanto per la perdita dei maiali.
Mentre pensava a quel che avrebbe dovuto dire a suo padre e torcendosi le mani sui resti fumanti di uno di quei prematuri martiri, un odore quale mai aveva inalato prima d'allora assalì le sue narici.
Da dove proveniva? Non dalla capanna carbonizzata; ne aveva già sentito prima l'odore, non era certo la prima volta che l'imprudenza dello sventurato giovane piromane causava un simile incidente. Ancor meno gli ricordava quello di una qualsiasi erba, seme o fiore a lui noti. Al tempo stesso un'acquolina premonitrice gli inondò la bocca. Non sapeva che cosa pensare. Si chinò quindi per tastare il maiale, per accertarsi di un qualche segno di vita. Si scottò le dita e, da sempliciotto qual era, se le mise in bocca per raffreddarle. Alcuni frammenti di cotenna bruciata gli si erano attaccati alle dita e, per la primissima volta nella sua vita (anzi, nella vita del mondo, poiché prima di lui nessun altro ne aveva avuta esperienza) gustò la cotenna abbrustolita!
Nederlands naar Italiaans: Audiotour Portugese Synagoge
General field: Kunst en literatuur
Detailed field: Toerisme & reizen
Brontekst - Nederlands
De architect Elias Bouwman ontwierp de Snoge in de Hollands-classicistische stijl: met sobere baksteen en klassieke witte accenten, zoals pilaren, balustraden en sierlijsten. Die stijl sloot naadloos aan bij de smaak van de zeventiende-eeuwse elite, waar veel Portugese joden toe behoorden. Dit gebouwencomplex was in zijn tijd echt een statement. Het maakte aan iedereen duidelijk dat de Portugese joden hun godsdienst hier, in Amsterdam, openlijk mochten beleven.
Vertaling - Italiaans
L'architetto Elias Bouwman progettò la Snoge nello stile classicista olandese: con sobri mattoni e classici accenti in bianco, come le colonne, balaustre e cornici decorative. Lo stile rispondeva pienamente al gusto dell'élite del diciassettesimo secolo, a cui appartenevano molti ebrei portoghesi. Tale complesso architettonico fu all'epoca una vera e propria affermazione: metteva ben in chiaro per tutti che qui, ad Amsterdam, gli ebrei portoghesi potevano celebrare le proprie funzioni religiose alla luce del sole.
Russisch naar Engels: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights - Geneva, Switzerland
General field: Overig
Detailed field: Internationale organisaties / ontwikkeling / samenwerking
Brontekst - Russisch
Национального центра Республики Узбукистан по правам человека по Вопроснику УВКПЧ ООН о предупреждении и ликвидации детских, ранних и принудительных браков

1. Как государства выполняют свои обязательства в рамках международных конвенций и договоров по правам человека в отношении детских, ранних и принудительных браков на национальном уровне?

Ответ: Республика Узбекистан, присоединившись в 1995 году к Конвенции ООН «О ликвидации всех форм дискриминации в отношении женщин» приняла на себя обязательства по обеспечению равенства прав женщин и мужчин в политической, экономической, социальной и культурной областях жизни общества.
С первых лет независимости в Узбекистане стали формироваться основные направления государственной политики в сфере недопущения дискриминации в отношении женщин, а именно:
Узбекистан присоединился к основным базовым международным документам, регламентирующим принципы и нормы защиты прав женщин;
на основе всестороннего учета международных стандартов сформировано национальное законодательство гендерного равенства и специальных мер, направленных на охрану материнства, создание благоприятных условий для всестороннего развития женщин;
в стране осуществляются целевые программы по развитию системы здравоохранения, обеспечению охраны здоровья будущих матерей и детей, воспитанию здорового поколения. За годы независимости была сформирована целостная система оказания государственной социальной поддержки матери и ребенка.
Vertaling - Engels
of the National Human Rights Centre of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the UN OHCHR Questionnaire on prevention and elimination of child, early and forced marriage.

1. How do States meet their commitments under international conventions and treaties on human rights in relation to child, early and forced marriage at a national level?

Response: The Republic of Uzbekistan, having joined in 1995 the UN Convention “On the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women”, has committed itself to ensure equal rights for women and men in the political, economical, social and cultural fields of society.
During the first years of Uzbekistan independence, the main directions of state policy in the field of non-discrimination against women began to form, namely:
Uzbekistan has acceded to the main basic international documents regulating the principles and rules on the protection of women's rights;
Taking fully into account the international standards, a body of national laws has been created on gender equality and special measures, aimed to maternity protection and the creation of favourable conditions for women's comprehensive development;
The country is implementing targeted programmes in order to develop a healthcare system, provide healthcare to expecting mothers and children, and raise a healthy generation. The post-independence years have witnessed the creation and implementation of a number of measures, such as an integrated system for the provision of state social support to mother and child.

Woordenlijsten DrDivago
Vertaalopleiding Bachelor's degree - University of Turin
Ervaring Jaren vertaalervaring: 38. Geregistreerd op Sep 2009. Lid sinds: Dec 2010. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Getuigschriften Russisch naar Italiaans (Università degli Studi di Torino)
Lidmaatschappen N/A
TeamsThe Language Genies
Programma's memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Powerpoint, Wordfast
Forumbijdragen 454 forum posts
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Translation news stories 7 news stories

Professionele procedures P.L.F. Persio onderschrijft's Professionele richtlijnen.
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Network with other language professionals
  • Get help with terminology and resources
  • Learn more about translation / improve my skills
  • Get help on technical issues / improve my technical skills
  • Learn more about additional services I can provide my clients
  • Learn more about the business side of freelancing
  • Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
  • Buy or learn new work-related software
There was this young lady on ProZ,
Who wished she could translate some prose;
So she bought a CAT tool,
Then she thought: "Innit cool?"
That proZaic young lady on ProZ.

Published articles and translations:

Bread & Roses:, 2016
Daphne's Diary, country living & lifestyle magazine, N°1, Maastricht, 2011
Asia Book 7 - Part 1,, Amsterdam, 2011
C.J.Mahaney & Robin Boisvert, Questa grande salvezza (This Great Salvation), Washington DC, 2010
IKEA Books, Single: il piacere di vivere soli (Single: The pleasures of Living Solo), Milano, 2006
Alex C. Michalos, Un’imposta giusta: la Tobin tax (Good Taxes), Torino, 1999
Elise Boulding, Inventare futuri di pace (Peace Culture), Torino, 1998
Michel Chossudovsky, La globalizzazione della povertà (The Globalisation of Poverty: Impacts of the IMF and World Bank Reforms), Torino, 1998
Aleksandr Afanas’ev, Fiabe russe (Русские сказки-Russian Fairy Tales), Pordenone, 1995

EN>IT and DU>IT translator:
EN>IT translator:
EN>IT translator:
EN<>IT, DU>EN and RU>EN translator & proofreader: United Nations Online Volunteer for the following organizations: CECS (Canada), IIDAC (Italy), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Moscow-OHCHR (Russian Federation), Jashtar (Kyrgyzstan), Fundació Catalunya Voluntària (Spain), CEV-European Volunteer Centre (Belgium), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva-OHCHR (Switzerland), Vialisa Foundation (Bangladesh/Netherlands).
Team leader of the Italian translators' team: Free World Foundation (Ghana).

Many critics, no defenders,
translators have but two regrets:
when we hit, no one remembers,
when we miss, no one forgets.


My take:
Critici a iosa, nessun paladino,
Del traduttore amaro è il destino:
Nessun sovvienesi quando l'azzecca;
Niuno dimentica se fa cilecca.


Latin is a language

Dead, as dead can be.

First it killed the Romans,

Now it's killing me. -Generations of British students

My take: Il latino è lingua morta

Che più morte non ce n'è.

Prima ha fatto fuori Roma,

Ora vuol far fuori me. (P.L.F.Persio®)

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Totaal aantal verdiende punten: 2385
PRO-niveau punten: 1827

Belangrijkste talen (PRO)
Nederlands naar Italiaans477
Engels naar Italiaans468
Italiaans naar Engels220
Russisch naar Italiaans140
Italiaans naar Russisch140
Punten in nog 20 combinaties >
Belangrijkste algemene vakgebieden (PRO)
Kunst en literatuur285
Juridisch / patenten111
Punten in nog 4 velden >
Belangrijkste specifieke vakgebieden (PRO)
Voedsel & zuivel180
Textiel / kleding / mode178
Poëzie en literatuur119
Juridisch (algemeen)78
Cosmetica, schoonheid64
Koken / culinair62
Punten in nog 64 velden >

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May 12