The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

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Italiano term Inglese translation
un richiamo da questi effettuato Reference made by the latter
Entered by: EirTranslations
un rimando a motivi fiscali for tax reasons
Entered by: Norman Buhagiar
un'analisi di sintesi summary analysis
un'offerta rivolta per l'80% agli istituzionali an offer 80% directed at institutional investors
una Distinta list
Entered by: EirTranslations
una perdita nominale ripresa a livello contabile di Euro... a nominal loss cushioned/taken back by the entry of XY Euros
Entered by: Gudrun Dauner
una rettifica in riduzione downward correction
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
unica soluzione single payment
unipersonalita sole proprietorship
unita revisionale di base [regular or] standard budget items
unità elementari di Bilancio (UEB) basic balance sheet components
Uno strumento di fidelizzazione della clientela a (customer) loyalty-building tool
UPB (unita' previsionale di base) special budgetary item
uscite di cassa dall'aggregato cash outflow from the ... amount
USURA USURA - maximum legal interest rate
Entered by: Rafa Lombardino
UTF excise duties
utile regularly convened/scheduled
utile corrente lordo gross profit on continuing business
utile di esercizio operating income/profit
Utile Operativo Netto Normalizzato ("UONN") EBITDA From ordinary or normal operations
utile sui ricavi return on revenue (ROR)
utile totale reale total return
utili (perdite) portati a nuovo retained earnings (accumulated losses)
utili portati a nuovo earnings carried forward
Entered by: Don Green
utilizzando sia RWA using both RWA
Entered by: EirTranslations
utilizzi pieni del fido in conto corrente con ricorrenti debordi full usage of the credit line with frequent overdrafts
utilizzo a valere (funds available on) see below
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
Utilizzo fondo accantonamento Use of provisions
Entered by: Antonella Fontana
utilmente aggredibili protifably contested guarantees last
Entered by: EirTranslations
vaglia fuori piazza non-local postal order (UK)/postal money order (US)
Entered by: potra
valenza fiscale to use ... for tax purposes
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
valore ai fini assicurativi value for insurance purposes
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
Valore al Patrimonio netto equity
Entered by: EirTranslations
valore attribuito al diritto d\'uso value assigned to the right of use
valore autonomamente apprezzabile asset that can be independently valued
Entered by: EirTranslations
valore dei beni non di proprietà ma in essere presso la società value of assets held but not owned by the company
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
valore di cessione congruo “at arm’s length” sale at fair value or "at arms length"
valore di copertura Value of the securities deposit
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