Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

mayor repercusión general

English translation:

worse overall condition

Added to glossary by Joseph Tein
Nov 17, 2019 22:00
4 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Spanish term

mayor repercusión general

Spanish to English Medical Medical (general) hospital admission history
"Ingresa por hiperémesis gravidica, se realiza tratamiento médico con buena evolución. Sin embargo, presenta nueva internación a las [xx] semanas con mayor repercusión general y menor respuesta al tratamiento, con deshidratación ... etc."

I don't know what to do with this word 'repercusión." Does this phrase just mean "in worse overall condition"? What's the best way to translate this?

Thanks as always.


Chema Nieto Castañón Nov 18, 2019:
La idea original de repercusión aquí es la de producir un efecto. En este caso, la hiperemesis gravídica produce una mayor afectación general en la paciente -it worsens her overall condition. O bien, her overall condition is worse due to the hyperemesis gravidarum.

En cuanto a cómo traducir creo que tu propio planteamiento es el más ajustado. No se trata tanto de que los síntomas sean más severos como de que los efectos de dichos síntomas tienen una mayor repercusión a nivel general, en el estado general de la paciente (cansancio/agotamiento, deshidratación/alteraciones electrolíticas, dolorimiento/epigastralgia, etc.).

Así, (this second time she is) "in worse overall condition" suena perfectamente ajustado al original -sin ser traducción literal.

Also, (patient shows) a worsened overall condition.


Proposed translations

4 hrs

(shows a) worsened overall condition

As per Discussion.

I am not sure how natural the previous answers do sound but I feel this is a rather natural rendering conveying the original idea; "una mayor afectación general de la paciente".

El único matiz de repercusión aquí es que se alude con éste a la hiperemesis como causa; la hiperemesis condiciona una mayor afectación del estado general de la paciente. En el contexto dado, se sobreentiende que the worsened overall condition está condicionada por la hiperemesis gravídica, motivo por el que no parece necesario complicar la traducción para incidir en ello.

Note added at 6 days (2019-11-24 07:49:02 GMT) Post-grading

Thank you, Joseph! (It is good to change from time to time ;))
Note from asker:
(Nice new photo, by the way.)
Peer comment(s):

agree Rachel Fell
6 hrs
Thanks Rachel ;)
agree Thomas Walker
14 hrs
Thanks a lot Tom ;)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks again."
1 hr

increased overall decline

I think this would work, though it isn't a translation of "repercusión".
Note from asker:
Hi Muriel, thanks also for your suggestion.
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1 hr

generally increased symptoms

My interpretation is that when the patient was hospitalized the second time, the symptoms/effects/side effects of hyperemesis gravidarum she experienced - typically severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and possibly dehydration, among others - were generally greater, or stronger, than in the first hospitalization.
Note from asker:
Thanks for your suggestion as well. I appreciate the explanation (the list of symptoms of this horrible-sounding disorder).
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