Translation glossary: Legal

Showing entries 1-46 of 46
a quien doy fe que conozcowhom I personally know 
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a quien doy fe que conozcowhom I personally know / who is personally known by me 
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aclaración redelimitaciónAbklärung zur Wiederfestsetzung der Grenzen 
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actuando en calidad de encargadoacting in the capacity of manager 
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actuando en calidad de encargadoacting in the capacity of manager 
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actuando en calidad de encargadoacting in the capacity of manager 
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actuando en calidad de encargadoacting in the capacity of manager 
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agenda de análisisplan to review 
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award of money damagespago/concesión de una indemnización monetaria por daños y perjuicios 
anglisht në spanjisht
be given the constructioninterpretarse de tal manera que 
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cambios de oficio que decida el Empleadorany job description changes designated by Employer 
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caracter solo enunciativo...include without limitation or including, but not limited to 
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casos de veracidad de la presente declaraciónfalls die Wahrhaftigkeit der in dieser Erklärung abgegebenen Aussagen geprüft werden soll 
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Como consecuencia de lo mencionado en el párrafo anteriorAs a result of the provisions set forth in the foregoing paragraph, 
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comunicaciones habidas entre las partesany previous/prior communications between the parties 
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conferencia magistral de delitos contra la administración públicakeynote speech on crimes against public administration 
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conservatory proceduresmedidas cautelares 
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dos o mas ejemplares del mismo tenor y valortwo or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original 
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egreso temporaltemporary release 
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Es así, que observándose la respectiva normativa vigente...Thus, in compliance with current applicable regulations... 
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hayan hecho frente al pago de sus obligaciones...they have failed to perform their payment obligations... 
spanjisht në anglisht
hold collective title toser propietarios mancomunados o ser co-propietario de 
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interpreted under and construed in accordance withinterpretado de conformidad con 
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joint rightderecho mancomunado / conjunto 
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LE (law enforcement) unitsorganismos de orden público 
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Ley 6/95 de Garantías de los Derechos de la Infancia y Adolescencia de la C.M.Children and Youth Rights Protection Act No. 6 of 1995 issued by the City of Madrid 
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no elusiónnon-circumvention 
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non-breaching partyla parte afectada; la parte que no incurre en incumplimiento 
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obligaciones contraídas en el presente contratocontractual obligations (hereunder) 
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para los efectos de ley se extiende la presentepour valoir ce que de droit, cet acte est émis... 
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para surtir efectos en el exteriorto be valid for any and all legal purposes abroad 
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para todos los efectos y consecuenciasfor any and all legal purposes 
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pólizas de seguro suficientes para la cobertura por responsabilidad civilinsurance policies that provide adequate civil liability coverage 
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por cuanto ya hay antecedentes de responsabilidad medicolegalas there have been previous cases of medical, legal liability issues 
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primer mantenido indemne en caso de reclamos de tercersoXX shall have first priority in being held harmless from and against any and all third-party claims 
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queda entendido y así lo aceptan las partesThe parties understand and acknowledge that.... 
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reclusión mayor/menorlangfristige oder kurzfristige Freiheitsstrafe 
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ser de carácter interpretativoto be interpretative in nature 
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sin que por ello incurra en responsabilidades frente.....shall not incur any liabilities TO... 
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tercero llamado a juiciothird party summoned 
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tieniéndosele por contestada la demanda en sentido afirmativo....the claim shall be deemed to have been accepted 
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to cause this agreement to be executedsuscribir el presente contrato 
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to release someone from his/her liabilityeximir (a alguien) de su responsabilidad 
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vereinbaren die Vertragsparteienthe parties herein agree 
gjermanisht në anglisht
All of
  • All of
  • Kërkim termi
  • Punët
  • Forume
  • Multiple search