Translation glossary: Liz Askew's Sp-English medical glossary

Showing entries 1-50 of 796
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'anticuerpos contra el farmacoanti-drug antibodies 
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(valle entre la) moda blanca y oscuravalley between the white and black/dark areas/regions 
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a hacer fracasarencroaching upon/impinging on/impacting on 
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a hacer fracasarhaving any impact on/encroaching upon/impinging on/impacting on 
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a la vuelta de la RMwhen he came back from the MRI scan 
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a lo largo de todo su recorridothroughout the entire length [of the colon] 
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a los informadoreson [the] informants 
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a nivel de cortes mediosat the level of the mid-gland slices 
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a nivel del estimulo nerviosoon nerve stimulation 
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A partir de esta estructura se originan tres lobulacionesthree lobulations arise from this structure 
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a términocompleted 
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a ver si no te falla la memoriaLet's see if you remember correctly 
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Abdomen anodinoAbdomen: NAD/normal 
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Abordajes percutáneos del RaquisPercutaneous approaches of the Spine/Percutaneous Spinal Approaches 
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Aclaramient de creatininacreatinine clearance 
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Acorde de potenciaPotency chord 
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ACRAuscultación cardiorrespiratoria 
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actividad presivapressure activity 
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ActTP / TTPAProthrombin time activity / aPTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) - n.b. see ref. on prothrombin time too 
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adaptaciones celulares de crecimientocellular adaptations of growth 
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Adenosine Stress Testprueba de apremio farmácologico con Adenosina 
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Adenosine Stress Testprueba de apremio farmácologico con Adenosina/prueba de esfuerzo (farmacológico) con Adenosina 
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adscripciónassigned code 
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afectacion menigea del propio meningioma[ruled out] meningoencephalitis/involvement of the menginges 
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afiance óseobony/bone consolidation 
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afinidad por el punto de uniónaffinity for the binding site 
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agente contagiosocontagious pathogen 
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aguja trócar con punta piramidal con base cuadrangular cortantepyramidal tip trocar needle with quadrangular-shaped cutting base 
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al tomar una baja graduación del ánguloBy taking a low angle of graduation 
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Algias óseasbone pain 
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alteraciones extrapiramidalesextrapyramidal disturbances 
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alteraciones pleuroparenquimatosaspleural and parenchymal changes 
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alterar la convivenciadisrupt social interaction 
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ALY, IDE, and LICALT (Alanine Aminotransferase), RDW (Red cell distribution width) and LIC (Liver Iron Concentration) 
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ambos LLSSboth ULs 
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Analítica de sangre evolutivaprevious and current blood tests showed/blood test data 
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ANCLAJE DE LOCALIZACIONanchorage point location/anchorage point/anchor point 
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Anejos normalesnormal adnexae 
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Anemia debido a perdidas digestivas y componente relacionado con reumaticaanaemia due to blood loss in the digestive system/tract/anaemia due to gastrointestinal blood loss/complicated by ... 
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angioscintigrafia miocardica (MUGA)MUGA (Multiple Gated Acquisition) Scan 
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antecedentes y entornohistory and environment 
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aparecido en una analítica ocasionalmenteoccasional high [blood] glucose levels in test/s/show up in tests/are disclosed in tests 
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aparición de focos hipercaptantesareas/foci of increased uptake [of contrast] 
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Apófisis de las lumbares y cresta sacra.Processes of the lumbar vertebrae and sacral crest 
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