Anëtar qysh nga Jan '19

Gjuhët e punës:
anglisht në shqip
italisht në shqip

Availability today:
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December 2024

Erta Zykaj
Biology/Medicine Specialized Translator

Montreal, Quebec, Kanada

Gjuha amtare: shqip Native in shqip
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8 positive reviews
(5 unidentified)

1 rating (5.00 avg. rating)

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Lloji i llogarisë Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Anëtar i verifikuar
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Lidhje me shoqata të tjera This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation
Specializohet në:
Biologji (-tek,-kim,mikro-)Mjekësi (e përgjithshme)
Mjekësi: KardiologjiMjekësi: Kujdes shëndetësor
Kimi; Inxhinieri/Shkencë kimikeBotanikë
Mjedis dhe EkologjiTë ushqyerit

anglisht në shqip – Çmimi në bazë të fjalëve të tekstit në gjuhën e përkthyer: 0.09 0.12 për fjalë / USD 0.12 në orë
italisht në shqip – Çmimi në bazë të fjalëve të tekstit në gjuhën e përkthyer: 0.09 0.12 për fjalë / USD 0.12 në orë

Aktiviteti i KudoZ (PRO) Pikët e fituara të nivelit PRO: 41, Pyetjet që u ka dhënë përgjigje: 20, Pyetjet që ka bërë: 12
Payment methods accepted Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Portofoli Sample translations submitted: 1
Fjalorë Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Allied Health Sixth Edition, Fjalor Italisht - Shqip, Lo Zingarelli - Vocabolario della lingua Italiana, Oxford Advanced Learner\'s Dictionary 6th Edition, Taber\'s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary 23, Webster\'s New World Dictionary Third College Edition
Përvoja Vite përvoje në përkthim: 13. Regjistruar në Jan 2019. Është bërë anëtar: Jan 2019.
Evidenca trajnimi/certifikimi anglisht (International English Language Testing System, verified)
Anëtarësi N/A
Programe kompjuterike Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Professional practices
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Network with other language professionals
  • Find trusted individuals to outsource work to
  • Build or grow a translation team
  • Get help with terminology and resources
  • Learn more about translation / improve my skills
  • Get help on technical issues / improve my technical skills
  • Learn more about additional services I can provide my clients
  • Learn more about the business side of freelancing
  • Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
  • Help or teach others with what I have learned over the years
  • Buy or learn new work-related software
  • Improve my productivity

Although Albanian is my native language, my connection with foreign languages has been strong throughout my life becoming a professional speaker and writer, especially in the English language, and then developing approaches for other languages, such as the Italian language.

I have an extensive experience in English translations and because my professional skills are related to medical sciences (with an emphasis on Biology), I can guarantee a high-quality translation in areas related to these sciences, but not only. 

Science in general and social sciences represent some of my fields of interest. You can also rely on my translation skills in such fields as cinema, TV, film, hotels, tourism, cooking, culinary, music, cosmetics, and beauty. 

Regarding the Italian language, in which I am also highly proficient and accurate, I can provide you with translations in the same fields mentioned above from Italian to Albanian.

I am very devoted to correct relationships with my clients, securing them top-quality translations and respecting all the deadlines we agree on, for different projects.

Ky përdorues ka fituar pikë KudoZ duke ndihmuar përkthyes të tjerë me terminologji të nivelit PRO. Klikoni totalin e pikëve për të parë përkthimet e dhëna të termave.

Totali i pikëve të fituara: 45
Pikët e nivelit PRO: 41

Gjuhët kryesore (PRO)
anglisht në shqip40
italisht në anglisht1
Fushat kryesore të përgjithshme (PRO)
Shkenca shoqërore8
Fushat kryesore të cilësuara (PRO)
Të ushqyerit4
Shkenca shoqërore, Sociologji, Etikë, etj.4
Pikë në 1 fushë tjetër >

Shihni të gjitha pikët e fituara >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects5
With client feedback2
100% positive (2 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
italisht në shqip4
shqip në anglisht1
Specialty fields
Mjekësi (e përgjithshme)4
Kimi; Inxhinieri/Shkencë kimike1
Other fields
Fjalë kyçe: Albanian, English, Italian, Medical translations, Biology, Environment, Ecology, Genetic, Chemistry, Nutrition. See more.Albanian, English, Italian, Medical translations, Biology, Environment, Ecology, Genetic, Chemistry, Nutrition, Botany, Zoology, Anthropology, Cardiology, Healthcare, Dentistry, Science, Social Science, Education, Pedagogy, Psychology, Tourism and Travel, Music, SDL Trados, Memsource.. See less.

Profile last updated
Jan 29

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